Our goal is to accelerate the introduction of disruptive innovations into underserved markets.

We aspire to create long term value by developing and supporting the ecosystem within each of these markets... meeting basic human needs. 


The Need

Disruptive innovations (new products or services that change the way we live) are missing in segments of humanity where there is a significant need.  These segments lack the financial infrastructure to reap the benefits, and are often only accessible to those who can afford to participate.

Trained to Listen, Lead, Disrupt and Serve

After 28 years in the private sector, over eleven of which were devoted to developing and running a start-up in the Americas, I was exposed to a reality that seems to consistently occur when taking  disruptive innovations to market.  Only the segments who can afford the new product or service get to enjoy the benefits - often completely missing the underserved.

The biggest reason wasn’t for the lack of need.  The needs centered around basic humanity.  The biggest reason was that the capital infrastructure was not available.  The very nature of disruptive innovation makes getting a new product or service to market very difficult.  The window of opportunity to capitalize on the innovation is small and can disappear in the blink of an eye.  Underserved markets are marginalized by the very fact that they lack the funds to invest in or capitalize on the innovation.